Dessert du Matin


Watercolor and mixed drawing media with original short story by Kyle Krauskopf

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Meir’s head lay against a mauve colored pillow encased in satin. Her eyes had been open well over an hour. She had been listening to the birds hearken a new day. She had been listening to people begin theirs; the bakers first, the newspaper delivery next, the early-rising exercisers third. With every chirp, key turn, and pace of foot she received this new day. The bright sunshine finally overtook the building tops and beckoned her from bed. Meir sat up and looked around the room, locating the coffee maker and pre-packaged, single serving bags of grounds. She drew some water and added it to the machine, followed by the grounds. A small switch glowed orange as she flipped it. Dawning the luxurious robe provided by the room, she opened the double doors to the cozy balcony. The aroma of freshly baked bread drifted along the morning air as the scent of coffee filled it behind her. Moments later she held a cup of freshly brewed caffeine in both hands and stood on the balcony. 

Paris. Meir cherished every moment of her time here. So swiftly five years had passed. Such a short time, she thought, in such a big city, how had she come to know so many lovely people? It had always been her dream to live here- she studied French all her life in preparation. She toiled her days away in study and work with this very lifestyle in mind. Meir took to abstract and big thoughts such as this. She was a true creative. Artist, Actress, Writer, Communicator, and Empath, she saw and felt connections everywhere she went. But Paris had always shown brightest in her mind. 

She rested the coffee cup on a small outdoor table and crossed back through the room to the icebox. Opening it she removed a plate of Raspberry Clafoutis. A classic French dessert traditionally made with cherries. However, her friend, Chef Aubin, knowing they were her favorite, had swapped the cherries for raspberries. At well past midnight last night, his restaurant closing around them, the chef handed a plate to Meir and said “parce que tu es un classique magnifiquement non traditionnel,” or “because you are a magnificently untraditional classic.” She smiled at the not too distant memory bringing the first bite to her lips. 

Having finished her coffee and dessert, Meir readied herself for the day and tidied the room back to perfection before she left. Evariste, another friend, was at the front desk and they exchanged pleasantries as she returned the key, thanking him for the lodgings. She wrapped a scarf about her head and slid a pair of dark sunglasses over her eyes. Meir casually strode down the cobblestone street, entertained by what new delights this day may bring.

Part 2
The Ambitious Three
From the Strings