Our Fall Give Back Partner: Ellensburg Mural Restoration

October-December 2023: Nuwave / Fortuity is giving back to our community by supporting the Ellensburg Downtown Association’s Mural Restoration Project.

At Nuwave Gallery, we're proud to play a significant role in supporting the restoration and creation of rodeo murals in downtown Ellensburg. Through our commitment to community engagement, we dedicate a portion of the proceeds from every art piece sold, contributing quarterly donations towards this meaningful project.

By channeling our artistic passion into a cause that resonates deeply with the local identity, we aim to unite art enthusiasts and the community at large in preserving the vibrant heritage of Ellensburg as a rodeo town. The rodeo murals, envisioned to be prominent features in the heart of our town, will embody the unique spirit and traditions that define our culture.

With each sale of artwork at Nuwave Gallery, we contribute to the collective effort of restoring and creating murals that will stand the test of time. Imagine the impact of these vivid murals, showcasing the exciting rodeo events and the historical significance of our town. They will not only beautify our downtown but also educate and inspire generations about our rich rodeo legacy.

Our pledge to donate a portion of our proceeds demonstrates our unwavering commitment to Ellensburg and its community. We invite art enthusiasts and fellow businesses to join us in this endeavor, coming together to celebrate our history and showcase it in a vibrant, artistic manner. With unity and dedication, we can ensure that the rodeo murals grace our downtown for years to come, leaving an indelible mark on the cultural fabric of Ellensburg.

Celebrate Ellensburg with us!

We are hosting an in-person event on October 18th from 5-7pm to celebrate the EDA’s incredible work.

A) FREE RAFFLE: Enter your email to win one of two art prints! One has been donated by our owner Erin Oostra.
B) DONATION RAFFLE: Donate to the cause to enter to win a bottle of Fortuity Wine along with tickets for October’s Downtown Pub Crawl!

1. Purchasing wine: $2 from all artist bottle sales go to our cause of the quarter (Ellensburg Downtown Mural Restoration Project)
2. Purchasing Art: A portion of all art proceeds is donated to the Ellensburg Downtown Mural Restoration Project
3. Participating in our Community Wall: Donate or purchase an 8.5x11” art piece. All proceeds from this wall go to our cause of the quarter.

$10 art for sale? Yes.
Hang your art at Nuwave Gallery? Yes.

Keep reading to see how you can support the mural project through the Community Wall!

The Nuwave Community Wall was born out of owner Erin Oostra’s desire to give back to the community paired with inspiring all members of the community to get creative. It is located on the back left wall of the gallery. This is where people can drop off an 8 1/2 x 11 piece of artwork to go on display. “There are 21 frames that open from the front to accommodate art that will be interchangeable,” she said. “Basically anyone, whether you’re 5 or 95, can drop off artwork.

“The art will then be considered a donation in the care of Nuwave Gallery. We will choose a local art-related nonprofit to donate to along with the Fortuity Tasting Room. Two dollars from each of our limited edition art-focused Fortuity bottle sales, along with a portion of all Nuwave art sales proceeds will be donated to that cause.” The fall quarter donations will be going to the Ellensburg Downtown Mural Restoration Project.

As an added bonus, there’s a Creative Table placed right in front of the wall if you want to come in and work on any creative project while hanging out at the gallery. There are even art kits available on location to purchase and create with.

So when supporting Nuwave Gallery, you can count on the fact that your purchase will benefit both the local and global community because giving back is one of Nuwave’s core values. Erin Oostra’s mission is to create a space for people to gather and support those who help make our communities better.


Discover Art & Culture at Nuwave in Ellensburg


October ‘23 Show: SHOW’D LOVE